
In order to assure long lasting results, it was crucial to include different groups, which are an integral part of the school climate. Disseminating results with other external target groups is important for wider spreading of project results.

The INTERNAL target groups of dissemination are:

  1. Teachers: Teachers from partner schools are directly involved in training, they practiced the tools and used guidelines for a growth mindset and the MOOC. Teachers from other schools have access to all materials online. Moreover, all the LTTA events are open for all employees of the hosting organization.
  2. Principals: Principals can motivate teachers to use a growth mindset approach in learning. We involved principals from partner organisations, as well as some others in each partner’s national level. We contacted them through email.
  3. Other staff at schools: To enable the changing of a school culture, other staff members are cognizant of at least main guidelines, since there are posters about growth mindset at schools.
  4. Students: Teachers practice the materials with students, who benefit from the project results. It is important for students to be aware of the positive sides of growth mindset, in order to accept it.
  5. Student’s parents: When parents learn about the mindsets and how a growth mindset can help their child become more motivated and engaged, they are more than willing to begin the work at home. We presented the project to the school parents associations.

In order to change the school culture and promote growth mindset it is important to include as many people that are a part of this culture, from students to all of the school staff, as well as students’ parents.

The EXTERNAL target groups of dissemination are:

  • Schools and teachers: the material is relevant for teachers of all educational levels so we distributed as much as it is in our joint power.
  • Teacher training providers: in-service providers have different courses for continuous professional development of teachers. Material of the MindSetGo! 2.0 is freely available to them and disseminated among different providers. They are able to use either the whole material or parts, depending on the goals of the particular training.
  • NGOs, Institutes and Associations in the field of education: We want to encourage a wider range of stakeholders to use the materials and MOOC, which can be useful when working in the field of education.
  • Policy makers: (local/regional decision makers and municipalities) In order to potentially include some of the practices that proved to be beneficial, in the education system.
  • Universities with future teachers: The knowledge of growth mindset can help future teachers to improve their teaching skills.
  • Social media communities: we published news and outputs in teachers’ social media pages and groups, especially in LinkedIn and Facebook in order to promote professional development with a growth mindset.

Local and regional level:

The project results were sent to internal and external target groups, parents, associated partners and other relevant organizations.

National level:

The project results were sent to in-service training institutions, including universities which provide initial training of teachers, continuous professional development institutions and teachers’ associations.

EU level:

All project results were presented to European organizations and platforms such as School Education Gateway, Eurydice, Cedefop and OECD.

All project partners also sent the results to other partners in previous or ongoing projects.

All the intellectual outputs were published on Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

International level:

MOOC developed in this project is available internationally on the Udemy platform.

Fridaskolan and STEP Institute have a database and social media with teachers from different non-European countries. We disseminated the results within that network.

The teacher-trainer project partners also disseminated the results within their networks and social media channels.