Multiplier event - Romania

4 July 2023, the Romanian partner school Scoala Gimnaziala Bistrita organized a conference with 54 participants. The project outputs were presented as well as workshops and hands-on activities for facilitating a growth mindset approach in school.

As described by the partner school's principal on their website:

The project dissemination event Mindset Go! took place in the festive hall of the school on July 4, 2023. The event was attended by 54 people, teachers from other local schools and from the county, the representative of the County School Inspectorate, the representative of Bistrita City Hall, parents, teaching-auxiliary staff.

The objectives of the project, the expected results and what had been achieved so far were presented:

  • the activities carried out with the students and parents during the three years of the project,
  • the mobilities,
  • our contribution to the project's publications
  • activities for students, for parents, the logo selection competition, online meetings with partners and much more.

Valuable experiences were shared:

  • about interaction with students and parents,
  • about unique experiences shared with partners during project meetings,
  • about the schools in Slovenia, Spain, Reunion Islands and Sweden.

We had the special pleasure of receiving, online, a few words from the Slovenian partners, a reason for joy and positive emotion for all of us.

A project that aims to change mindsets never ends. What we have tried so far is only the beginning of a sustained activity in which teachers, students and parents coordinate our efforts to educate students to be resilient, to make an effort, to continue their formation as people and when they think they can't anymore, they still can a little bit more. This is exactly the spirit of the project: "I haven't reached my goals YET!"


13.45 – 14.00Registration of participants and distribution of materials
14.00 – 15.00 Presentation of the project, objectives and recorded results, testimonials
15.00 – 15.30 Questionnaire
15.30 - 16.00 Discussions, sharing of personal experiences, questions, socializing.

The Objectives were fulfilled:

  • inform participants about teaching based on a growth mindset approach;
  • engage participants in growth mindset activities and communication;
  • motivate participants to use the project results and develop their own projects connected with the growth mindset;
  • advocate for a growth mindset towards policy makers;
  • to attract participants from at least 100 different relevant organizations (this is an overall objective for all the multiplier events in this project).

Target groups that were reached:

  • teachers;
  • principals;
  • teacher trainers;
  • local authorities
  • regional school authorities
  • policy makers.

Agenda that was followed:

  • key note with the project on fixed vs. growth mindset;
  • key note on growth mindset teaching;
  • workshops in smaller groups on experiencing the intellectual outputs of this project:
    • IO1 Guidelines for implementing a Growth Mindset school culture,
    • IO2 the MOOC interactive self-studies,
    • IO3 Digital Toolkit for teachers, - the focus was on hands-on activities that the participating teachers could adapt and use in the classroom the next day
    • IO4 Guide for parental involvement,
    • IO5 Growth Mindset Compendium.
  • hackathon on how to become a growth mindset teacher/principal/school.